Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Liberalism and Catholicism Don't Mix

I am continually struck by the number of people in this country who continue to try and be liberal and Catholic. It just flies in the face of any sort of common sense. You can not be both. The liberal agenda in this country is so far away from the values one should hold as a Catholic.

Yet liberals love to try and co-opt Jesus, love to try and cite him as the patron saint of liberalism. Yeah, not so much. Perhaps they need to go back to their Bibles and reread the Gospels. I have to give credit for today's post to Rush (Limbaugh, not the rock band) listening to him on Monday really brought home the idea.

Liberals love to mock Jesus and Christians, except when they think they can use Him to push their agenda. As Limbaugh pointed out, Christiane Amanpour opened her Sunday news show with the popular question, What Would Jesus Do? But she had bastardized the question so badly it becomes almost mockery even as she tries to use it seriously:

"As Christians around the world celebrate Easter, we ask some of America's most influential pastors.  In these turbulent times, has America lost its way?  Taxes and budget cuts.  What would Jesus do? Amanpour, This Week aired 4-24-11"

Clearly she is using the question to distort Jesus' social welfare message. Which the left always abuses into the idea that we need to somehow use the government to create a dependent class.

Rush answered her quite well:

"You talk about what would Jesus do? Would Jesus approve of politicians spending money we don't have on programs we don't need?  Jesus warned against sloth and self-bondage.  Would he approve of the Democrats creating an entire underclass dependent on government?  They think so.  That's how they define compassion.  Would Jesus approve of people wasting their lives sitting around blaming all their problems on everybody but themselves?"

Jesus was all for helping the poor and the downtrodden, to be sure, but he wanted the help to come from fellow men not from a monolithic, confiscatory government structure. Hence the whole discourse on doing to the least in Matthew 25:35-46.

I know that there are some out there saying but what about (Matt. 22:21, Mk. 12:17, Lk. 20:25). Look I am not saying we shouldn't pay our tax burdens, of course we should. Just that our tax burdens shouldn't be used to create dependence on government in order to live.

Even the chief architect of the American Welfare state Franklin Roosevelt knew that dependence on government was a terrible evil. Little consolation considering the damage that has been done by his New Deal policies but still...let's look back at a quote from his 1935 State of the Union address:

"A large proportion of these unemployed and their dependents have been forced on the relief rolls. The burden on the Federal Government has grown with great rapidity. We have here a human as well as an economic problem. When humane considerations are concerned, Americans give them precedence. The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber.

To dole our relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of a sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers.

The Federal Government must and shall quit this business of relief."

Well here we are 76 years on and the Federal Government has only done more to grow "this business of relief." And people wonder why this country is on the wrong track. We were warned at the start, by the man to blame, that this would happen.

Instead the government continues to ensure more and more future generations will be reliant on the government to keep their lights on, and food in the fridge, and pay their bills. Sure, that sounds like "When I was naked, did you clothe me; hungry did you feed me?" In reality, I don't think it's quite what the Lord meant.

This is just a look at the social justice/welfare differences between Jesus and liberals, I plan to look in depth at the other areas where they differ as well. Consider this part one of a multi-part series

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Finishing Up My Thoughts on Easter

I hope everyone enjoyed a truly blessed Easter. We had a great one here at the Musing's Mansion. Made Easter Baskets for the boys, went to Mass, a truly beautiful celebration with the full choir and a great homily from Fr. Brian. Just when I decry the lack of good Catholic homilies all three times I made it to Mass during Holy Week we had exceptional ones.

Alleluia He is Risen!!! I think that the Mass is beautiful every time but there sure is something special about the Liturgies during Holy Week, particularly Easter.

For it is on Easter Sunday that we can truly say we no longer need fear anything. Our Lord has conquered death and sin and in his dying has united us unto himself as Sons and Daughters of the Living God. There is a passage in the Exsultet which is sung at the Easter Vigil that always gives me chills:

This is the night
when Jesus Christ broke the chains of death
and rose triumphant from the grave.

What good would life have been to us,
had Christ not come as our Redeemer?
Father, how wonderful your care for us!
How boundless your merciful love!
To ransom a slave you gave away your Son.

O happy fault,
O necessary sin of Adam,
which gained for us so great a Redeemer!

Watching The Passion of the Christ on Saturday, I was struck as I always am by the notion that He suffered that terrible pain all for my failings and my faults.  That in itself is always enough to make me weep, but it's when I realize, even if I were the only one who needed saving He would have endured all that pain just the same.

Watching the opening scenes of the Agony in the Garden and seeing Jesus just about choking under the weight of all He is about to bear. You can't help but be struck by the fact that Jesus is probably feeling the burden of the sins of the world for all time on his shoulders. He that knew not sin, was made sin so that we might experience the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21).

During this Holy Week every year Holy Mother Church celebrates Her birth, Her true calling (evangelization and bringing people to the knowledge of Christ) and the beginnings of Her great Sacrament.

For on Holy Thursday we celebrate the night Christ "Carried and held Himself in His own hands," as St. Augustine said.

It was on that night that Christ gave his Apostles Himself in a future tense showing them what they were to do and instructing them to do it always ..."in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:24-25).

As I have mentioned before it is worth noting that St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians was one of the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament and he seems to plainly believe in a Catholic interpretation of the Eucharist from the words of institution to the Real Presence, warning the Corinthians not to eat the sacrifice unworthily (1 Cor. 11:29).

It was special this year to get to the Liturgy on Good Friday and to walk up the aisle and kneel before the Cross, venerating the "Wood...on which hung the Savior of the World." Always moving, but this year it just seemed especially more so.

I hope you all had a blessed Holy Week and Easter. I love this time of year because most of my favorite Gospel readings are clustered into it. The story of Thomas, The road to Emmaus, The post-Resurrection Jesus seems more like he is drawing everyone into himself.

He is risen Alleluia, Alleluia!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Few Links For Maundy Thursday

So a trip to Spokane for Tommy's doctors kept me from getting to Mass tonight and pulling together my own thoughts on the importance of the day. Remember according to the ancient Jewish Calendar, Jesus effectively shared his last meal with the apostles and died on the same day. Today in our modern calendar marks the beginning of the Lord's Passion, with the institution of the Eucharist and a hint toward the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Anyway on to the Links:

  • Today's Readings for the Mass of the Lord's Supper.
  • A great post from Joe over at Shameless Popery on the meaning of Holy Thursday
  • The Holy Father's Homily from the Mass at St. Peter's. Benedict XVI had two important days this last week, his 84th birthday and the sixth anniversary of his election.
  • Fr. Z has some thoughts for you on Holy Thursday as well...If you are sniffing around his site be sure to look at his take on the pope's sermon from the Mass as well.
  • A great blog from Dr. Scott Hahn's website on whether there was a Paschal Lamb at the Last Supper.
Well that should be some good reading for you on why we celebrate Holy Thursday. Have a blessed Good Friday everyone...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned....

Even if you know nothing about the way Catholics practice reconciliation you have surely heard the title phrase in movies and TV. I didn't use to be a fan of the Sacrament of Confession, but that has changed lately. There is something to be said for the squeaky clean feeling of one's soul after receiving the grace of the sacrament.

Protestants think Catholics are almost sacrilegious in how we make our confession, but in truth the whole process is soundly rooted in the Bible. Perhaps the best one stop shopping answer as to why Catholics go to confession is found in John 20:19-23. Jesus appears to the apostles after the Resurrection and sends them forth as the Father has sent Himself. We know from Matt. 9:6 and Mark 2:5 that the Son of Man was given the power to forgive others their sins, ergo it follows that Jesus is giving the apostles that same power.

And how will they know whose sins to forgive if those sins aren't told to them? Many times in the Gospels as Jesus works his healing he starts by forgiving people's sins, often that in itself is the necessary cure for the person freeing them from their malady.

Jesus gave that same power to his apostles. In addition to commissioning them to preach the Gospel (Matt. 10:5-10), govern the church (Matt. 16:16-20, Luke 22:29-30) and make it holy through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist (John 6:54, 1st Cor. 11:24-29).

Let's take a look at some Old Testament passages that seem to contradict Catholic teaching and see how they in fact compliment it nicely. In Isaiah 43:25, we see that it is God that forgives sins, as an aside Catholics don't deny that God is the efficient cause of forgiveness we just see that he is merely working through his priests to do so. Evidence of God using a priest in the cause of forgiveness can be seen in another Old Testament passage Leviticus 19:20-22 shows a penitent sinner seeking forgiveness by the priest sanctifying his offering.

Jesus is the High Priest of the New Covenant (Heb. 7:22-27) you say. The one mediator between God and man (1st Tim. 2:5). Indeed He is those things. But are we not all called to mediate in Him to one another. When we share the Gospel are we not mediating in the one true Mediator. Now 1st Peter 2:5,9 demonstrates that we are all by virtue of our baptisms called to be "A Royal Priesthood," but that doesn't remove the ability that Jesus gave to his priests, the apostles, that they in turn handed down to others perform the sacraments.

But what about James 5:16, it merely says to confess your sins to one another, why do we need to go through a priest? First off to take just that one verse removes the context of that which came before it. Let's look at James 5:14-16 as a whole.

St. James implores his readers if they are sick to call on the elders of the church to receive laying on of hands and prayers (Extreme Unction or the Anointing of the Sick). Now he says if he has committed sins they will be forgiven. He starts verse 16 with the word therefore, linguistically tying it back to the verses preceding it and thus making the idea of confessing your sins to one another mean that you should confess them to the elders (presbyters, from which we get the word priest).

Perhaps the most interesting point regarding the sacrament of reconciliation come from St. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians. in 2 Cor. 2:10 we see him say "What I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake, in the presence of Christ."

A packed statement to be sure. It gets even more packed when you unpack it and look to the Greek. The Greek word used for presence is prosopon, the Latin word persona comes from it. Interestingly the KJV Bible usually translates the passage as "In the person of Christ," or in Latin In Persona Christi. That is important insofar as that is how a Catholic describes the work of a priest. They act in the Person of Christ.

Now if you are Catholic you have a few days before Easter to examine your conscience and follow the Church's guidelines by confessing your sins during the Lenten season. Do it. It will make you feel better. If you need an examination of conscience to get started check this one out.

If you aren't Catholic I hope this post has helped you to see the very Biblical basis for the sacrament.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Meaning of Holy Week....

Just a little note Dear Reader: expect the posts this week to be heavy on that Old Time Religion, as we enter the most profound week of the Liturgical year.

I have always loved Palm Sunday. You get to hold a branch and wave it around as you sing Hosanna to the Son of David. You process from outside the church into it, imagining what it must have been like to see Jesus riding on an ass as he entered the holy city. It always had a little more audience participation and excitement to it. Plus when I was younger I knew Palm Sunday meant one last week of my Lenten Sacrifice.

The events that the day celebrates resound even today. Jesus, the Son of the Father, is entering to a chorus of cheers and adulation that within the week turn to mockery, scorn and hatred. He comes willingly knowing what he must do. But first he has much to accomplish.

Before His death, he knows he must teach the apostles what it means to be great. He must give them the New Covenant in His blood. He must be betrayed by one of his own, and see another deny knowing him. He must lay down His life, "For Many. (Matt 26:28)" I won't delve into the argument here about "many vs. all," except to address it as such, Jesus in fact died for all, but some would not accept his sacrifice, so the blood is shed for many but not all.

Returning to the depot of my original train of thought.....

I always like attending all three parts of the Triduum. Holy Thursday is a beautiful Mass which is marked by the washing of feet and the Gospel story of the Last Supper, the institution of the Mass. As we close Holy Thursday we go into a night of Eucharistic Adoration, full of prayer and wonder. Sitting with the Lord in the small hours as Holy Thursday becomes Good Friday is amazingly spiritual.

Ah Good Friday the only day in which Catholics don't celebrate Mass. As part of the Ritual of Holy Thursday a significant amount of Hosts are consecrated so we can have communion, but without consecration there is no Mass.

Good Friday is when the Church really goes dark, the Lord is dead in the tomb, the Apostles are still scattered, probably slowly coming back together, the world groans on Good Friday. The Gospels tell us of earthquakes, eclipses, dead folks returning from their graves. But most significantly the veil of the Temple is rent asunder.

The time is now to worship in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24).

From there we return to the "new fire," and the light of the Easter Vigil. Christ has broken death, defeated sin and risen again to fulfill the stories we hear on this night of Salvation History. From the "Happy fault" of Adam to the flood, to the Passover.

The Passover is now perfected Jesus has Passed Over death and returns in glory. In his book Jesus of Nazareth vol.2, which covers Holy Week, Pope Benedict sheds light on the likely historical accuracy of the timeline in St. John's Gospel rather than the Synoptics.

It was en vogue to denigrate the historical accuracy of St. John for quite some time. Pope Benedict says that even with the heavy theological aspect to his Gospel, John's timeline reveals something startling.

Essentially the Synoptic Gospels all have the Passover Feast moved ahead a day to make the Last Supper a true Seder meal. St. John's Gospel makes Good Friday the preparation day for the feast. A seemingly minor detail until you realize one thing.

When Jesus gives up His spirit it is 3 o'clock. As he dies on the hill outside Jerusalem, the lambs for the Passover feast are being slain in the temple (Matt 27:46).

In His final human act, Jesus replaces the original Passover lamb, with the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the World. (John 1:29)

There's something about that moment during Palm Sunday and Good Friday when we read the Passion Story and we kneel silently as we come to the part where our Lord dies. It hits me every time, I always stare at the Crucifix and think to myself, he knew all about me as He hung on that cross, dying. Knew and willingly accepted punishment for every sin that I would commit. Indeed by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

"Hosanna to the Son of David. (Matt 21:9)"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Do Catholics Still Get It?

Let me preface this post by saying that I have only attended a Non-Catholic worship service four times in my life two weddings and two funerals. So keep that in mind as you read.

I recently linked to a story about Archbishop Sheehan's pastoral letter concerning cohabitation. In it he urges his flock to consider the gravity of sin. Respectfully, Excellency, perhaps it is because for too long the clergy have been: afraid, cowed, bullied, or abused by: parishioners, governments, media, fellow clergy, for preaching on the gravity of sin that has gotten us into this mess.

Now mind you my only point of reference to Protestant preaching stems from Hollywood, but they sure seem to have the Hellfire and Brimstone down, don't they. John Lithgow in Footloose, railing against dancing, rock music and drugs. Tom Skerrit's quiet, homespun, frontier-fisherman preacher in A River Runs Through It, teaching his sons all about the evils of the world outside their Montana homefront.

Now, Catholics on the other hand, are treated to mostly mealy-mouthed, watered down, sometimes outright heretical homilies on a weekly basis. Occasionally we get good homilies but most of the time if it's good it has little to do with doctrine or a call to avoid sin and more to do with a good explanation of the culture or history in question.

However, this was one thing that Fr. John Corapi is quite good at. I know he has been involved in a bit of a scandal lately but his lecture/sermon on giving a good confession should be required viewing for all who hold and teach the Catholic faith.

At the recent mission for my parish, St. Mary's, we had a brilliant priest from the Fathers of Mercy who spent the mission talking of the need for healing, especially spiritual. He was quite good and his discussion, seemingly tangentially touched on the need for understanding the damages of sin. In reality he spent his whole time teaching about the damage of sin.

After all why else would we need healing were it not for the effects of sin. But rarely do we see any real meaty discussions on the topic during a weekly homily. In fact Fr. Crotty, who led the mission told us of a priest he knew who had been stripped of his duties for merely mentioning the potential damage from Harry Potter.

So if those are the kind of things Catholic clergy are up against in warning of the dangers of sin, then of course they will shy away from it. It seems to me that good homilies were one of the cruelest victims of the curse of Vatican II. Priests began to turn to pop psychology and other things as part of their teaching and increasingly left the Truth behind.

Forgetting Hellfire and Brimstone when was the last time you heard a homily about Jesus. Not just one that mentioned him but one that really delved into the Incarnate Word and showed you a new way of thinking.

As the Church has become scandalized by errant priests and politicians who profess Catholicism with their mouths to win votes, only to avoid it in their own voting record, and a media that turns every minor Catholic slip into a massive crisis, the people are led further away from Truth.

The liberal wing of the Catholic Church would love to remake Holy Mother Church in their own image, fortunately we have had two amazing popes that have done all they can to stem that tide. One of these two men will be beatified in about two weeks time.

Unfortunately their hard work hasn't flowed downhill quite the way it should. But alas, we carry on and we defend Her.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tough To Swallow

Today was an interesting day here at the Musing's Mansion. After a bunch of discussion on the benefits and many false starts at getting one done, Tommy finally had a rehab swallow study.

To catch you up, if you need it, basically because of his craniofacial issues Tommy's ability/ease of swallowing things in his mouth has long been questioned and worried over. He had been working at school with his speech therapist getting small tastes of certain foods (yogurt, pudding, things of that consistency).

Daddy was left out of the actual exam, because I had to stay in the waiting room with Matty, but it wasn't to long before I got to go back and watch the video of the x-ray as he was fed. After a couple of nice successful swallows, there it was: one very bad, swallow that gulped the barium laced pudding down into his wind pipe.

Tommy had aspirated. He didn't even try to clear his windpipe or cough as the stuff went down. That is not good. So he officially has an uncoordinated/unsafe swallow. All is not lost to be sure. While the result was a disappointment, it isn't the end, it doesn't mean he can never eat it just means we need to back it off and work a little slower and perhaps train his swallow.

Perhaps the bad news is that the little goon is a silent aspirator. That might not be the best thing. But knowing he does aspirate perhaps alot of the times he has been "sick" have been aspiration related and not a real sickness.

It's another piece of the Tommy puzzle in place, another part of the present unwrapped, but I am not sure I liked the gift. So now we go back to square one and we work in little tiny tastes that he won't have to swallow and we build from there.

Meanwhile this evening Matty mowed down Cheerios like they were going out of style, ate a jar and a half of baby food, had a cookie, and his first piece of cooked pasta. It comes so easy for the little booger and Tommy has to work so hard at everything. Sometimes I wonder if big brother gets a little jealous of everything little brother can do already. I wonder if Tommy even understands jealousy.

I have to think he does. The other night his old care attendant came by with her daughter and baby daddy. Now, before the baby daddy, his care attendant was all his. Well he got us to give him to her and he climbed in her lap and stared her baby daddy down like "Whatchu gonna do about it...?" It was so cute, he knew exactly who to look at with a big old turd-eatin' grin plastered on his face like he was saying "Haha I showed you."

So the Church has patron saints for everything right, well, St. Blaise is the closest I can find for Tommy's issue. Anyone else got another...??

Saint Blaise, pray for us that we may not suffer from illnesses of the throat and pray that all who are suffering be healed by God's love. Amen.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Boehner, GOP, Stumble on Dems Sacred Cow

The near shutdown of the federal government has perhaps shown the GOP-led House of Representatives the way to pass any future spending bill until they take back the other branches of the government.Follow me on this one for a second.

The Democrats initially refused any spending cuts in the budget, pushing us closer and closer to the shutdown. It wasn't until late Friday when they finally blinked and by then they had shown their colors. In getting the Democrats to agree to the 38.5 billion in cuts, the GOP had to give up their rider that would defund Planned Parenthood. That rider would have saved another 318 million dollars.

Now in giving it up, they forced the Democrats to at least vote on it in the Senate where it likely won't pass but can likely be used in some 2012 campaign ads. More importantly as we watched Harry Reid and his caucus draw their line in the sand, it showed a way to get if not everything we want at least a lot of it.

The House should submit every spending bill with that very same rider attached to it. In doing so the Democrats will have to compromise somewhere and the GOP can say, "we take away the rider, you give us these spending cuts."

When Paul Ryan submits the 2012 budget he should ensure that it has the Title X rider, as well as riders to defund NPR, the NEA and all these other ridiculous wastes of tax dollars. Then to inch the Democrats closer to the numbers we need to get to we slowly peel away riders. Now eventually these things will have to get through but they can wait for a year and a half until we get all three branches of the government back. As of right now we only control as Speaker Boehner said "One half of one third of the federal government."

Now perhaps, the GOP should have shut the government down and pushed a little harder to get the things they really wanted; perhaps now it's too late to have real ammo for the coming battles of the debt ceiling and the FY 2012 budget. Who knows? Let's see how things shake out from here, I think Boehner, Cantor and Ryan can still make some hay with these coming battles.

They better, we gave them the House to do just that and so far they have if not let us down entirely, certainly left us with a bad taste in our mouths. I was rooting for the shutdown and was sad to see it not come to pass I think the GOP lost a good chance to win the PR war and really show whose side they were on.

Call this one strike one Mr. Speaker. Let's hope you learned something from the story of the Mighty Casey.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Web Links Wednesday

Look it's the return of the Wednesday Links here at the Musings....without further ado....

  • Another Virtual Tour from the Vatican: This one of the Pope's Church, The Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. It is the Cathedral church for the Bishopric of Rome and as such, the Mother Church for all Roman Catholics.
  • Wikipedia's page about the Church for your educational purposes.
  • One heck of a April Fool's Joke, Unam Sanctum Catholicam created a fake papal encyclical essentially calling anything that came out of Vatican II anathema. Hilarious, be sure you check out the link in the story for the phony encyclical, as well as their related story/another April Fool's joke about the beatification of John Paul II being delayed. Exceedingly elaborate work to try and snooker some folks.
  • Archbishop Sheehan of Santa Fe, issues a strongly worded pastoral letter concerning cohabitation. Father Z has a great story with some additional comments from my favorite priest blogger.
  • One of my favorite voices from Red State with a blistering report on Speaker Boehner getting three minutes of President BO's time to discuss the budget.
  • Some good funnies from Reaganite Republican.
  • Here's a story detailing the administrative leave of Fr. John Corapi a gifted priest and speaker. He was put on leave while his order investigates a claim from a former employee of some serious allegations. Here's hoping the truth will out. The story answered my wondering about why EWTN hadn't been airing his programs. 
That's enough for now. Here's hoping this week's links edify, entertain or at least amuse you. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

An Open Letter to My Sons

It's a big world out there boys, first take care of each other, the hell with the rest of it.

One day you may be all the other one has. Love each other, support each other and when you can lend a hand to help someone else up too. Help the ones who can't help themselves.

I want to personally apologize to both of you for the fact that you are inheriting a world, a country, that is lost. This country, especially, was set apart to be something different and now it teeters slowly toward its own destruction. With a little luck it might be getting better by the time you inherit it, but I doubt it.

Having siblings gives you both an advantage. Siblings are amazing things, someday everyone you know may leave you behind, if that happens call your brother. Someday you might even have sisters, I will try my best to help you understand how to deal with them. But I may well be out of my depth as I still struggle sometimes trying to figure out how to get along with my own. The best part about having a sibling, though is that you might be ready to pound on them, you are so angry. Until someone else comes along and says something about them. Then you pound that guy.

This is a flawed, fallen, world increasingly giving into a me-first, anything goes lifestyle. Don't buy into that, look for examples all around you of the right kind of man to be. Hopefully by the time you two can understand this I will be that kind of example. If not live life the way Jesus did. Read Philippians 2. Take it to heart, live it.  Be lights in the dark for the people around you.

Always see all of the wonder in creation. From the little bugs to the biggest whales. From the deepest oceans to galaxies far, far away. Learn something new everyday. Always ask why. If you don't know why, find out. 

Don't ever be ashamed of who you are or where you come from. Have regard for your name, since it will remain for you larger than a thousand great stores of gold. The days of a good life are numbered, but a good name endures forever. (Sirach 41:12-13).

Which reminds me, read your Bible. More importantly live the Bible.

I do my best to remember everyday to tell you each how much I love you. If I forget sometimes, don't think I don't love you. Someday I am going to embarrass you. I probably won't mean to, but I will. Love me anyway.

Love your mother. She has done and continues to do a lot for all of us and sacrificed for all of us. Be kind to everyone, even people you don't think deserve it, you don't know what brought them to that point in their lives.

Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other and know how loved you are. Know that wherever you go and whatever you do in this life, I will be right here ready to catch you when you fall. That's my job.